Playboy Muses

Yumi Lee

Yumi Lee


Scottsdale Arizona USA


5' 6"

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Yumi Lee was born and raised in Seoul, Korea. By looking at the sweet model, you would never believe she grew up being a tomboy. She admits she would spend her days climbing trees and running around with friends. As a young teenager, black-haired Miss Lee moved with her family to Scottsdale, Arizona. The tall model loves life in America and its vast educational opportunities. Asian-American Yumi has always enjoyed watching investigative crime shows like Dateline —and she hopes to eventually see herself on these shows as an expert in forensic pathology. Our Cybergirl of the Week for November 1, 2004 will soon be attending medical school so she could eventually study in her field of choice. Miss Lee cannot wait for her career to begin so she could help as many people as possible. “I have a heart the size of Alaska,” admits Yumi. There’s nothing better than a girl being gorgeous inside and out.


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