
Viktorija Manzinni

Viktorija Manzinni


Ljubljana Slovenia


5' 2"

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In Slovenia, the mere mention of Viktorija Manzinni is cause for celebration. Hailing from Ljubljana, Viktorija is a lot of things—a model and actress, a dancer and fitness instructor, and Playboy Slovenia’s PMOY 2011. “When I learned I was Playmate of the Year, for a few moments, it was like time stopped,” remembers Viktorija. “Then I was hit by a wave of joy!” Dark-haired and hard-bodied, Viktorija is definitely a formidable presence, and it’s not hard to see why she became a favorite among fans of Slovenian Playboy. Her knowledge of dance and Zumba, though not strictly related, definitely informs her distinctive style of nude modeling. In fact, her well-deserved body confidence follows Miss Manzinni all the way to the bedroom. “I love new challenges,” says Viktorija. “As well as challenging men. Charismatic, strong, prosperous guys…I love to give them the reins!”


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