
Ursula Buchfellner

Ursula Buchfellner


Munich Germany


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

October 1979

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Most Playmates come to Playboy from humble beginnings, but this couldn’t ring any truer when discussing our Miss October 1979. Ursula Buchfellner is the third child in her big, German family made up of ten children. Life, as anyone would imagine, was cramped and overcrowded with 12 people living in a two-bedroom apartment in Munich, Germany. If that wasn’t bad enough, the family didn’t have any room in their budget for new clothes and at times, money for food went from scarce to non-existent. Hungry and wearing hand-me-downs, Ursula felt she couldn’t turn to anyone or go anywhere to escape her daily struggles—not even school. The all-natural blonde was the quietest and shyest girl in class and because of her very skinny figure, she was often bullied. However, Miss Buchfellner refused to let her experiences and her challenging upbringing define her. She understood at the tender age of 15 that to achieve success, she’d need to work hard and break out of her shell. Ursula began working at a pastry shop where she could earn a living and develop a sense of independence, all while looking sweet by the sweets. Her boss instantly fell in love the Playmate and her work ethic, especially since the rise in sales was attributed to men coming in for a pasty and glance at the gorgeous blonde. “Never had there been so many young men in here to buy sweets,” her boss told us. One of these men with a sweet tooth for sugary sweets and sexy German beauties named Ursula was Playboy photographer Peter Weissbrich. When he asked her if she would pose for Playboy and become a Playmate, Ursula simply asked one question, in German of course. “Was Ist ein Playmate?” asked our Miss October 1979. What is a Playmate, she wanted to know. Once she learned Playmates were a superior caliber of nude models who model around the globe, she was sold on the idea. “At 18, I’m not even supposed to be ready for the big thing. Sure, I’m poised, I have no fear of the camera or the mike, or of strangers. Yet when I am alone, I fear that when I meet the really right guy, I shall lose all my cool,” says our busty Miss October 1979 as her face turns a lovely shade of red. “I do want to continue traveling all over the world as a photo-model and a movie actress. I want to become famous without having to pay a too high price.” Ursula has since achieved success internationally as a model, modeling in France, Italy, the Philippines and Hong Kong. “By next year, I shall probably have run out of continents,” smiles the German beauty. “Sometimes I can’t help thinking that my life now is a continuing dream, that I am a sleeping princess waiting for princes to wake me up.” Seems like Ursula Buchfellner’s house will be overcrowded once again, but this time, it’ll be filled with legions of princes waiting to wake up our successful Playmate.


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