
Priscilla Wright

Priscilla Wright


Santa Barbara CA USA


5' 1"

Playmate of the month

March 1966

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Sexy, all-natural and petite aren’t words we would typically use to describe a golfer, but for Playmate Priscilla Wright, we’ll make an exception. Pat, as she prefers to be called, is the daughter of a California golf pro who immediately traded in her dolls for putters when he felt she was ready to grasp the game of golf. “As soon as I was old enough to hold a putter, my dad and I would put in at least an hour a day on the greens. While all my girlfriends were building their doll collections, I was busy polishing my first set of irons,” explains the slim beauty with short, blonde hair. “Even after my parents separated and I lived with Mom, Dad and I always had a steady weekend date to play the back nine at whatever course he happened to be working.” Mom was a painter in Santa Barbara and Dad being a golfer in Huntington Beach, Pat developed a passion for both of her parents’ favorite hobbies and in turn, strengthened her bond with her divorced folks. “When my folks first broke up, I thought the world had come to an end. Now that I'm of marriageable age myself, I can understand that their interests in life were too different not to lead them down separate paths,” explains our family-oriented Miss March 1966. “I'm just as close to both of them as ever: When I can't keep my golf score near par, Dad and I hold a series of reassuring career conferences: and when my problems are strictly girl-boy ones, I couldn't ask for a better morale booster than Mom. In a way, I guess I'm luckier than a lot of kids from so-called happy homes whose parents never took time to help them with any of their teenage growing pains.” As Priscilla continues to mature beautifully, our Playmate of the Month knows the time for her to decide on a career is fast approaching and both of her parents’ pastimes weigh heavily on her mind. “My father is a pro golfer and my mother is an artist. I'd like to be a pro golfer, or at least find myself somewhere where there is lots of fresh air and water. Did you know I won the junior championship at Mission Valley when I was 13?” says Pat. “But, I do plan on enrolling at the Santa Barbara College as a fine arts major. You might call it a sort of educational insurance plan, but if I don't make the grade as a lady golfer, I figure it's best to have something else going for me—and painting is the only other field that intrigues me at the moment.” Beauty, brains and a beautiful swing, Playmate Priscilla Wright is truly a rare find.


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