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Malina Rojel

Malina Rojel


Raleigh NC USA


5' 4"

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“I’m very athletic,” says Malina Rojel. “I’m good at almost every sport I’ve tried, and I get pretty competitive.” That competitive spirit has come quite handy especially since our Coed of the Month for November 2009 is majoring in public relations—a competitive field at North Carolina State University. “I’ve learned how to read people and get them to do what I want!” says the Persian-American, who we met at our casting call in Phoenix in 2009. Busty Malina’s competitive nature does spill over from the classroom to the university’s campus—especially, the campus parking lot. “I’ve had sex in a car in the campus parking deck, where all students park,” says the brunette from Raleigh, NC. “I love guys who are in good shape and it’s a turn-on to see them hot and sweaty on the field.” Calling all football players, Miss Rojel will be waiting in the parking lot.


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