
Louann Fernald

Louann Fernald


San Antonio TX USA


5' 4"

Playmate of the month

June 1979

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Our beautiful Miss June 1979 was a student at the University of Florida in Gainesville when she came across a Playboy ad for our Great Playmate Search. “I decided to give it a try,” recalls Louann Fernald. “The money would pay for my senior year and, for once, I could concentrate on my studies without the hassles of holding down a waitressing job.” The all-natural brunette was a public relations major who grew up in a house filled with books and pride for her Floridian culture. Louann’s father grew the juiciest, Florida oranges while Louann would explore her home state’s beautiful beaches and its sexy beach goers. “I jog every day at school—just for the high. I’ve been doing it for years. My girlfriend used to live six miles down the beach. We’d meet halfway, decide which section had the best lifeguards and run back that way,” explains our busty Playmate. “People who live in Florida seem to be in touch with their bodies. They are more physical. I think fitness and pleasure are related. The more control you have over your body, the more you can make it do what you want.” Now that Louann and her busty, toned figure have been featured in Playboy, what’s next for our Miss June 1979? “I've given some thought to working for a conservation group after I graduate. It's going to be hard. There is a prejudice against outspoken women. People write off what you say with a 'You're cute when you're angry' attitude. It's not cute. I really care about this issue,” explains Louann. “A lot of people think that now that I'm a Playmate, I'm going to run off to Hollywood and live happily ever after. Not on your life. My commitment is here.” Our Playmate of the Month is committed to making Florida beautiful again since its pollution problem has increased drastically over the years between unruly tourists littering the Floridian beaches and companies dumping waste in the water. “Tankers dump their oil offshore before coming into port and it turns the surf orange. Don't they realize that someone lives here? Small acts by small-minded people ruin the world for the rest of us,” impassionedly states our Miss June 1979. If anyone is going to protect the environment and conserve the waters of Florida, it’s Playmate Louann Fernald.


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