Playboy Muses

Kristi Lynn

Kristi Lynn


Des Moines IA USA


5' 6"

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Coming to Playboy from Des Moines, Iowa is Kristi Lynn. We first met her during our Phoenix casting call –and apparently we weren’t the first to see she was Playboy material. “Every time I see anybody, even complete strangers, they always tell me I should be in Playboy,” says Kristi. With her blonde hair, fair skin and a tall frame –5’7”– it’s surprising to hear Kristi feels at home in the boxing ring. “I love boxing,” says green-eyed Kristi. “I want to be a ring card girl at a really huge boxing match.” Until the World Boxing Association or International Boxing Federation gives our Cybergirl of the Week for May 26, 2008 a call, Kristi Lynn will continue to pose for Playboy –and take part in her favorite pastime. “I find shopping and spending time with my pets can fix just about anything.” That’s one lucky pooch.


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