
Julianna Young

Julianna Young


Fort Campbell Kentucky USA


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

November 1993

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You might say that Julianna Young is moving - if you ask us, it's a lot more like earth-shattering. Blonde-haired, brown-eyed and blessed with 38DD measurements, Julianna grew up in Kentucky, where her breasts weren’t so much a blessing as a curse. “When I was in Catholic school, all the girls had to wear a one-piece jumpsuit,” she explains. “My breasts were so large that I couldn’t wear it. In gym class, the whole room would come to a standstill because everyone was watching my breasts.” When she was older, Miss Young used those very breasts to get ahead – and in her mind, it was California or bust. “My large breasts get me through the door, and my brains keep me there,” says Julianna. Living in south Florida, she auditioned for Playmate, and needless to say, we were impressed. If there’s one word that sums up our Miss November 1993’s physique, it’s impressive. “I’ve wanted to be a Playmate all my life,” says Julianna. “I’m always on the move. Working for a moving company, I travel all the time, but it doesn’t bother me – in fact, I’ve never met a stranger. I make friends wherever I go.” Julianna’s friendliness serves her well in all avenues of life, and when it comes to men, she’s looking for fun and a personal connection. “I’m too liberal-minded to have turn-offs,” she explains. “One thing I’d like to thank Mr. Hefner for is adding romance to the lives of millions of women. I know it says ‘Entertainment For Men’, but it’s certainly spiced things up for wives and lovers.” And as for Playboy’s other, unofficial slogan? “I read it for the articles,” giggles Julianna. “Of course!”


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