Playboy Muses

Jenessa Dawn

Jenessa Dawn


Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


5' 8"

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Jenessa Dawn has a little bit of everything to love. Coming to Playboy Plus from Saskatchewan, Canada, this model is beauty, brains, and wit; she’s a gamer, athlete, student, musician, and much more wrapped into a sweet and totally humble woman. “I grew up on the Canadian prairies — spending a lot of time outdoors,” she says by way of introduction. “My passions are robots, medicine, technology, and making the world a better place!” At just 19-years-old, this beautiful blonde is wise beyond her years. In fact, she's currently in school studying the subjects she loves most. “I'm currently studying computer science and psychology,” she tells us. “I want to go into medicine or be involved in the process of building amazing new medical technology!” Though she has many passions, modeling is right up there, too. “I love modeling and I would say it's a fairly large aspect of my life,” she says. She first heard of Playboy when she was just a young girl, and it seems that her infatuation with it back then as manifested into her now being featured on Playboy Plus! She first started her journey as a fashion model, though Jenessa had her doubts about the industry. “I had my quarrels with the industry and the unrealistic standards that it imposes,” she says bluntly. “I found Playboy to be body positive and encouraging of women to own their own bodies. I decided that these sorts of values were a much better fit for me and my goals.” But it’s much bigger than just that for the lovely Jenessa— she hopes to set an example by showing off her lovely figure and ever more beautiful brains. “People don't always care what a model thinks,” she says. “I want people to know that they can be smart as well as beautiful without being constrained to societal standards.” If you couldn’t agree more, than stick around for Jenessa’s gorgeous pictorials, right here on Playboy Plus!


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