
Deanna Baker

Deanna Baker


St. Louis Missouri USA


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

May 1972

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Playmate Deanna Baker is a small-town girl from Kirksville, Missouri who left hometown of under 20,000 people in 1969 for the big city of Denver, Colorado. “I simply had to make a change in my life, get away from home,” explains the all-natural beauty with the long, dark-red hair. “Denver seemed like a good place to try it.” The first item on Deanna’s Denver to-do list was to find herself a place to live—a place with a good view that was safe for a single woman to walk around at night. She found everything she wanted in an apartment across from Denver’s Hungarian Freedom Park. “Somehow, I think that's significant. It's not so much the monument to the Hungarian patriots of 1956,” says the blue-eyed redhead. “But, the name of the place, Freedom Park, that means something special to me.” Freedom to live as an independent woman in Denver is exciting, but can still be scary at times. She’s no fool—she knows the world is not all sunshine and rainbows and there are horrible people in this world who assault women. Looking for a way to protect herself just in case the day comes where a deranged individual would attempt to make her their victim, our freckle-faced Playmate of the Month took up judo, a Japanese martial art. “Partly out of boredom and partly because I think every woman can use some education in self-defense, I enrolled in a judo class. Many men I’ve met cringe when I tell them I’ve taken judo. They don’t realize that a woman, no matter how skilled she is, will usually avoid striking an opponent; she’ll just try to surprise him enough so she can escape,” explains our savvy Miss May 1972 who’s had to use her training once before. “A seemingly strait-laced businessman offered me a lift. But, it turned out he wanted to take me for more than a ride. Luckily, I remembered how to do the break fall, which distributes an impact along the side of your body. So I leaped out of the car, and all I got was a few scratches.” One place Deanna knows she’ll never need to use her judo skills is at work at the Playboy Club in Denver where our busty Miss May 1972 works as a pool Bunny. “As a Pool Bunny, I have an opportunity to establish one-to-one relationships with Club guests on a basis other than 'Can I get you another cocktail, sir?' Lately, perhaps because of this experience, I've sensed that I've become more flexible and understanding in dealing with people,” she explains. “I look forward to work each time I go, although I’m glad it’s only three nights a week. I’m not really a solitary person, but I need a lot of time that’s all my own. I suppose the ambition of many Playmates is to model or act; the idea of having a regular career just doesn’t turn me on.” Deanna is one of the most popular pool Bunnies at the Denver club, but she’s often asked since becoming our Playmate of the Month ‘what’s next?’ “People are always asking me what I’d like to do if I ever stopped working as a Bunny. Well, I don’t want to get trapped into speculating too much about the future, but I may soon enroll in some art classes at Metropolitan State in Denver,” explains the busty redhead. “Who knows, I might even teach. I'd like to model for a few years and then teach high school.” Students will fight for the chance to be teacher’s pet when their professor is someone as beautiful as Deanna Baker.


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