
Cher Butler

Cher Butler


Garland Texas USA


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

August 1985

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Cher Butler seems to have it all—she has an all-natural body, golden blonde hair and eyes that change from blue to green depending on her mood. The one thing Miss August 1985 has never had was a stable upbringing and a town she could call home. “I come from a family of gypsies and we moved every few years to keep the boredom threshold low,” smiles Cher. The voluptuous model’s vagabond family has been traveling around Texas, New Mexico, British Columbia, Nevada and Washington D.C. in a bus built by her father. “Sometimes I don't even know where they are for months at a time, but then a postcard arrives,” admits the Playmate who has now left the family bus to pursue her own nomadic adventure. “I dream of faraway places. My lover and I are alone. The stars hang in the night sky. It is quiet. I dream these dreams in color. They’re better that way.” The eloquent model has no concrete destination in mind, but she does know she wants to be somewhere without distractions and that is full of experiences waiting to be had. “I want to be somewhere very isolated from the Western world and have no modern technology,” confesses Miss Butler. “I'd like to see how I'd survive with just the basics.” And when our Playmate of the Month says she wants to survive on only the basics, that includes the basic human instinct to engage in passionate sex. “I'll go with my lover and we'll make love with just the animals for company,” confesses Cher. “Australia and Africa are on my mind. My secret fantasy is to make love in the grasslands of Africa with a herd of gazelles jumping over us in a frenzy.” Those are some lucky gazelles.


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