
Carolina Cardoso

Carolina Cardoso
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Carolina Cardoso is Playboy Germany’s Miss February 2023. Originally from Vienna, Austria, Carolina is a lifelong admirer and fan of the brand. “Even as a teenager, I always wanted to dress up as a Playmate on Halloween or Mardi Gras and slip into the legendary Bunny costume,” she says. Though she’s always loved the look and message, Carolina never thought she’d be here. “For me, it was unimaginable that I would one day be a Playmate myself,” she laughs. “The fact that I am now Miss February fills me with great pride. I will always remember the title and the great photo shoot!” Carolina works in a luxury department store in her hometown when she’s not modeling. “I hope to make it to a higher position soon! I love fashion,” she says. “I’m really interested in trends! It’s my dream to work as a fashion stylist or study fashion journalism in Berlin.” Check out Carolina Cardoso’s International Playboy pictorial here on Playboy Plus!


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