
Carol Ficatier

Carol Ficatier


Auxerre Burgundy France


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

December 1985

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Coming to Playboy from the land of wine and amour is Carol Ficatier. Carol was born and raised in Auxerre, France surrounded by stunning vineyards and indescribably beautiful architecture—it’s safe to say, the Playmate fit right into her surroundings. “When I first came here, every time I opened my mouth someone said, ‘oh! Are you from France? Which country do you prefer?’” reminisces the all-natural brunette about her first days in the United States. “I don’t prefer. They’re different. Now, I can say a sentence without causing a commotion. That’s nicer.” After years of her dominating billboards around Europe in her lingerie, Carol, her beautiful busty figure and her seductive French accent garnered much attention in America—something she is still puzzled by today. “I can be very objective,” says the model who’s worked in Zurich, Tokyo and beyond. “I am not looking at myself and saying, ‘boy, am I nice!’ It's someone else, almost, someone else I know so well that I know all the flaws.” If Miss Ficatier does have a flaw, it’s that she doesn’t see herself the way the world does—completely flawless inside and out. Speaking of perfect, Miss December 1985 tries her hardest to make sure humans and animals can live in harmony together—which is why she became a vegetarian years ago and decided to make it her life’s work to give a voice to those who don’t have one. “What goes on in the laboratories— the testing done on animals—is atrocious. It's sick,” says the Playmate who is also a member of the Humane Society of the United States and the Mobilization for Animals. “At the Anti-Cruelty Society, I take the dogs out of their cages and take them for walks. I give them some affection. I would like to be part of a program called Pet Therapy, too— taking puppies to hospitals or nursing homes. It does wonders. Old people who haven't talked or shown emotion for years, they talk and they cry.” Carol’s passion and heart of gold are the reasons why America needs more French Playmates.


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