Playboy Muses

Caitlin McSwain

Caitlin McSwain


Dallas Texas USA


5' 4"

Playboy Muse of the month

January 2015

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Say hello to Caitlin McSwain, a pert brunette from Texarkana, Texas. “That’s Arkansas and Texas put together,” she says drolly, with a hint of Southern accent. “It’s pretty small – no matter where you go, you’ll see at least two people you know.” A new model, Caitlin has some experience – mostly a little panty modeling – but this is her first time going fully nude, and she couldn’t be more excited. “It’s simple,” she says. “It’s Playboy. Y’all have been around for over 60 years – it’s one of the biggest brands in the world, and one of the classiest, too. I love posing nude, but if another company had asked me, the answer would have been no. Playboy has high standards, and so do I.” Speaking of standards, ours are pretty high, too – that’s why we named the feisty Miss McSwain our Cybergirl of the Month for January 2015. Caitlin’s ideal man is smart, and knows what he wants in both the short and long term. “Other than that, tall and skinny, with dark hair and tanned skin are my must-haves,” she says, giggling. “But really, I’m very accepting. No matter what your history is, I’ll give you a chance – but you’ve gotta know what you want!” We think it’s pretty safe to say that most guys want a little Caitlin McSwain.


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