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Anna Marie

Anna Marie


Bloomington IN USA

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Anna Marie is typically the creative force behind the camera. So when Playboy asked the behind-the-scenes beauty to be in the forefront for a change, she was taken aback. “I'm surprised and happy Playboy asked me to pose, because I'm not the usual kind of girl who's put together. I'm normally covered in paint from an art project!” says the blonde-haired beauty from Indiana University. “I also do a lot of photography because I'm a fine arts major.” As an art student, Anna knows full well that art is all around her and one true art form that our Coed of the Month for April 2004 is quite accomplished in is the art of love making. “Well, you know, we've got the Kinsey Institute, so we can't be doing too badly in the sex department,” giggles Anna. Anyone looking to book a tutoring session with Anna?


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