Playboy Muses

Amy McCarthy

Amy McCarthy


Los Angeles California USA


5' 6"

Playboy Muse of the month

January 2005

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LA girl Amy McCarthy is no stranger to the world of entertainment – with a cousin like actress Melissa McCarthy and a sister like Playmate Jenny McCarthy, she’s used to rubbing shoulders with the best. “When Jenny found out I was going to be a Cybergirl she was really excited,” says blonde-haired Amy. Becoming our Cybergirl of the Month for January 2005 is the first time Amy has been thrust into the spotlight herself. Her decision to pose for Playboy took some time, but she was happy to have Jenny’s blessing, and was given some no-holds-barred words of encouragement from her sister. “She said 'Now guys can jerk off to you!' She always blows my mind with what comes out of her mouth,” laughs blue-eyed Amy. Jenny and Amy are best friends and grew up sharing a bathroom, squabbling like only sisters can, but she’s happy she had her sister by her side for this journey. “I love being challenged and taking on new adventures,” says Miss McCarthy. “I’m always game to try new things.” One McCarthy is great, but two McCarthy women are even better, and we would love to see the sisters pose together for Playboy in the future.


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