Playboy Muses

Amber Rose

Amber Rose


Austin, TX

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“My passion? Making art,” says Amber Rose. Coming to Playboy Plus from Austin, Texas, few things make Amber as happy as when she’s creating. “I like to make things that are beautiful and make me feel something. There can never be enough beauty in the world, right?” A model and photographer, we first met Amber through her photographer, Tina Louise. “My personal experience with Playboy [has] been very positive and exciting,” says Amber. “I love seeing strong women working together and creating beautiful images.” A longtime admirer of Playboy, Amber first discovered the brand in her teens. “I was probably about 15 and remember being very intrigued,” she says. “It’s incredibly flattering to be included with so many amazing women!” When she’s not in front of or behind her own camera, Amber loves spending time relaxing or outdoors. “I’m definitely an introvert who wants to hang out with my dog all the time,” she laughs. “When I’m not taking photos, I’m probably hiking, drinking delicious beers, painting on my patio, or listening to records.” Get to know Amber better, right here on Playboy Plus.


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