Playboy Muses

Amanda English

Amanda English


Kansas City MO USA


5' 2"

Playboy Muse of the month

June 2008

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Cybergirl of the Month for June 2008 is none other than Amanda English, a petite model from Kansas City. The blonde-haired beauty made it her mission to prove to Playboy and her fans that she embodies what being CGOM is all about. "It's like being on cloud nine," says blue-eyed Amanda. “I become this whole other person in front of the camera as a Cybergirl.” Miss English’s Cybergirl persona is not really who she is, though she admits to loving the attention that comes along with the title. “I might have more friends now than before I was a Cybergirl. I think it's because they like to say, 'Yeah, my friend Amanda is a Playboy model,'" says Amanda. Lucky for us, all of our friends are Playboy models.


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